To contact the membership chair click here

or email

Membership is open to those with the equivalent of an Associate’s Degree or higher from an accredited institution.

Student affiliates: Undergraduates or women and men returning to college to finish a degree may become student affiliates. It’s easy to switch to regular membership after receiving your degree.

In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

AAUW Del Mar-Leucadia Membership Form

Please print out  the membership renewal form and return to Rebecca Hill.

Or if you are joining for the first time, print out this new member form.

AAUW annual membership dues are from July 1 through June 30
Branch membership is required for participation in our Special Interest Groups

National Association Dues
(including subscription to AAUW Outlook)
California AAUW Dues
(including subscription to California AAUW News)
Del Mar-Leucadia Branch Dues   $23.00
Total Dues: $115.00*

* Association Life Members pay $43.00 (State + Branch dues).
$64 of national dues is tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to AAUW Del Mar-Leucadia Branch
Return Checks to:
Rebecca Hill; 5091 Cliff Place; San Diego, CA 91116